Saturday, December 26, 2009
More Cafe Drawings...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Everyday People...

Hey! These are some sketches and inks I did for Animation Mentor, I'm trying to do alot of my posing assignments tradionally aswell. These started with a coffee shop gestures, and then inked in photoshop. Sorry about the lack of 11 second club updates, it's currently shelved as work and mentor seem to be taking over.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
November 11 Second Club- Character and Planning

I've taken some great suggestions from you guys, and I've tried to incorporate them into my character and thumbnails. If you can deciefer what's going on in my story poses, I would love some feedback...also on the overall design. I've kind of decided to make this into a 2 month project, because of a busy schedual...I don't want to find myself rushing it. But I will definately make sure to get a finished rough version into the competition. I tried to force myself to plan more than usual, when I was at "The Princess and the Frog" presentation by Eric Goldberg he told the audience that 85% of his time on a scene goes into planning...that blew my mind.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
November 11 Second Club- Character concepts

I would love feedback that I can incorporate into my studies and keys next week. Thanks!
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Ottawa International Animation Festival was a blast this year! Sitting down with Eric Goldberg for an interview and hearing him talk about the future of Walt Disney and traditional animation was well worth the 200$! On the left is Dawn, director of the talent development program at Walt Disney Studios, I forced her into the picture against her will, but I think it makes it that much better!!!
Stay Tooned bloggers!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
September 11 Second Club....round 2
Untitled from trent correy on Vimeo.
I thought I'd try this months 11 second club again. Last month I received an 18th/188 entries, I'm hoping to improve upon that... This took me about 20 days...I kind of got uninterested in this during the last week, but I am happy to have finished it. Thanks to Collin for helping me refine the character, and to Ian and Collin for animation feedback. Some of the best feedback I received was from my girlfriend Gillian, an outsiders opinion is always great!
Stay Tooned for more!
If you think it's worhty, you have until October 5th to throw me a vote! Thanks!
Keys/Breakdowns & Character Sketches...

Well, I thought I would thow in my keys and breakdowns, seeing as I lost all my old linetests. I really tried to block out this animation, which is extremely hard to do...espiecally when using alot of offset timing. I tried to treat it as if I were going to give my keys to an inbetweener....poor inbetweener. I also included character sketches. The character came rather qucikly, as soon as I heard the dialogue I pictured Esma (Emperors New Groove). I remembered a lady I had drawn at a coffe shop (bottom right) so I based it off her, and referenced alot of Esma and Jafar for the animation and design. And the bird is....basically a glorified clipart. Hope you like it! All feedback and comments are much appreciated!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
11 Second Club
11 second club from trent correy on Vimeo.
This is my 11 second club entry for August, I had alot of fun animating it, and I hope to do that competition again! Next time I am definately going to focus more on story and acting, as apposed to character(and just getting the damn thing done!). If you think this is worthy, toss me a vote at The 11 Second Club !! All revisions and comments are much appreciated, I'm either going to clean and colour this one, or do the September competition, so they will help ALOT! Thanks!!!!! Enjoy!....Below is my thought process, doodles, thumbs and linetests! (you might have to "refresh" to leave a comment.
**** I almost forgot, I am now offically an Animation Mentor student, starting September 28th!!!!
Animation thought process....

Hey! Alright so I thought I would post some of my animated thought process. Basically I used a character I designed in my second year of school, and I tweaked things last month to make him a little more animatable. I have some thumbnails up there, I definately have ALOT more, but for the life of me, I couldn't find them. I really tried to find out all my poses, some breakdowns, and alot of timing and spacing with those thumbs. One of the big things that helped me this month was getting warmed up befor drawing. Every time I sat down to animate, I would draw a disney screencap, either a page, or just one drawing, depending on how I felt. I think it really helped my overal construction, linework, appeal and expression/style. It was almost like learning from osmosis, after sketching these properly, and trying to get them on model, it go me in a good groove to animate.
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hey- These are some sketches I did at the Zoo last week. They were done with Ebony, then I threw in a quick grayscale on PS. Unfortunately the Zoo was PACKED, not much room to draw...and I think we were only there for 3-4 hrs...but w/e. We also went to Chuck Gammage studio with Charged, he really liked it...but they have no work right now... -Chuck is the nicest guy in the world, and it is a super sweet studio, I would LOVE to work there! Some bad news...Charged didn't make the Ottawa Festival....not surprising because it wasn't artsy enough...as we've been told my many...but we have our fingers crossed on many more festivals!
Stay Tooned! 11 second club coming this way...I promise!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Guys in suits...?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Faces, gestures and thumbs!

Sketch Blog 1st Theme

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sketch Blog??

BTW this is a sketch I did for my friends( basically family)- 90th birthday. His name is Berny and he is the one on the right, with his wife Peggy. Unfortunately I didn't have time to finish rendering, and I gave them the original, but here it is! ...Took about 12 hours
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Film 2009
This is my Final film in my third year at Algonquin College. I teamed up with Collin Tsandilis & Mayrhosby Yeoshen to Produce the film. Thanks to our mentor, Ian Jeans, all the Algonquin Staff and everyone else who contributed. A huge thanks to my family; for love and support, my girlfriend; for constantly pushing me and always being there. Lastly, to my classmates for pushing eachother and always willing to lend a hand! Enjoy!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
11 Second Club

Right Now I am in the process of doing my first 11 second club animation. I basically took a charcacter I did in my second year at Algonquin, and did some tweaks on him. For the last week I have just been drawing him, thumbnailing and practicing hands, mouth shapes and breaking down a video reference action to the dialogue. I really want to work on my weaknesses during this animation, and anything I didn't get to do alot of during the film. Which is basically, suttle acting, good hand acting, being able to breakdown a live action video and a nice finished dialogue sequence. I might post a work in progress later this month! Let me know what you think, all criticism is always welcome!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Foodcourt sketch
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Don't Ask

Well, we have a pitch package due in class tomorrow. It's a four week assignment and I started today. We needed painted characters and I didn't want to draw anything new. I realized that my sketch book is full of Orangutans , so I need to think of a story involving one. Basically the story is about a homeless guy (left) - every time he goes on drugs, he believes he is an Orangutan. Bizarre, I know. Here's some more sketches from my sketchbook! Enjoy!