Hey All- I'm going to attempt the November 11 second club, I will be posting my progress every week or so...to get feedback from you guys (I find I was missing constant feedback on the last one I did) So hopefully you will see some blocking stages, keys, breakdowns....and maybe even a finished animation by the end of the month. For now, this is Hugo ( based off my favourite "Lost" character)- it was honestly really tough to design a fat caterpillar that doesn't resemble "A Bugs Life" design. Hopefully he looks different enough...
I would love feedback that I can incorporate into my studies and keys next week. Thanks!
Wow thanks for the kind words Trent! ya man I love this design and your obviously on the right track an can't wait to see your final ideas. But ya I Graduated in August and now just tryin to put some sort of demo reel together, how bout you? Any luck finding work?
Hey Trent I found this on inspectorcleuzo blog, maybe these shapes will help: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cm0J46hoTAw/St8zoUwu2BI/AAAAAAAAAXY/0Afh3pdHaO8/s1600-h/random02.jpg
hey man. the design looks great,you know i have a weaknes to fat characters...the eyes kinda remind of spark,
it would be a challege to movem around with 4 arms and all the details, but im sure your up for it.
I love Hugo tooo!!!
Look one my autograph for them:
Hey trent, looking great so far. I just found this on the 11 second club forum and thought this might help you out if you haven't seen it already. This dude put together an x-sheet for this month's audio, has the dialogue breakdown already done and everything.
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