Hey! These are some sketches and inks I did for Animation Mentor, I'm trying to do alot of my posing assignments tradionally aswell. These started with a coffee shop gestures, and then inked in photoshop. Sorry about the lack of 11 second club updates, it's currently shelved as work and mentor seem to be taking over.
Thanks for all the previous comments, everything helps!
Stay tooned for a progress reel of my first term at Animation Mentor.
duuuude this is some awesome stuff man. nice poses and clean. question! how did you get the line look so clean and feathery....for example the neon green on the guys track suit? how you been man?
Trent!! your line quality makes me want to punch the elderly! keep up the good work! and I'll do the same, and someday we'll be able to skateboard on the sidewalks in peace. :)
Nice! I really like the face of that leaning guy on the bottom.
really like how you're doing some of the fill in details, like the hair on the middle guy's hands and the red blotches on the old dude.
awesome stuff man! great sketches and really nice inking.love the dude in the middle, though they are all sweet,keep em coming
by the way have u seen the key master latly?
OH man the excitement!! Man I wish I couldve gone into AM with half the talent you have. Youre gonna do even more amazing things...I can feel it
Keep on kikin ace Trent!
Hey Trent,
Thanks for voting on the piece. As soon as I saw BJ's,I knew it was the winner. It really was an awesome animation and stood out from the rest. I think his score reflected that...(a treat to watch too)
There are 2 things about going up against BJ. He is most likely going to have a "better/best" entry, but that is also going to make you that much better, realizing the quality you need.
I think he is just about ready to be on the critiquing end of things though.
How is your piece going? still a work in progress? I see your designs on the blog. A four armed caterpillar... looks cool.
I am going back in and reworking some of the animation now that I have the time. Making it stronger. The e-crituque would have helped too.ha.
Thanks again for the votes.
well... until the next entry!
Keep on Drawing.
Sweet stuff dude! With all the things your currently involved with one would wonder how you manage sneaking in a blog update, i think your doing fine on that front! :D Great poses, and the chracter planning stuff is always interesting to go through. Thumbs up!
Awesome work Trent. The designs looks great!
Thanks alot everyone
amazing artwork!
keep on drawing and posting :)
love to see cafe drawings
Cool skecthes :D
And you're taking Animation Mentor! awesome, definitely post about you experience, I'd love to hear about how it's going.
The review went quite well, Boris and I had actually met Dawn earlier that year and she had gone over our stuff, so we spoke to Eric this time.
Haven't applied yet since we're still in school! :p How about you? Hear anything back?
Nice buddy! Is the jogger post or prior to his run? I like how you develop the gestures, very cool! Do you rough it out on paper or digitally?
Smart idea! I never thought about inking the gestures afterwards. Hope you're enjoying AM and learning lots. Sounds like there's going to be some pretty cool opportunities in Canada soon and I hope you get them!
These are wicked! I'm totally digging the top two, they've just got so much personality. I think the lower one is great too, maybe its just the outer leg thats throwing me?
I'm starting at AM in January, I'll keep an eye out for you. Cant wait for that progress reel.
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