Monday, June 20, 2011

Character Sketch

Thanks everyone for all your great comments on my last post! I've just started week 1 of the Stephen Silver character design course, in this assignment we had to create a character based off of a description. Here are some concepts and a coloured version. All feedback is definately welcome! Thanks


Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

Omg REally good!,one of my favs is the one third from the right at the bottom! I like how you got the body silouhette out of the bulky coat, really cool

Tell me how the course goes, its always interested me!!

Keep it up!

Nachshon Rubel said...

hey man. awesome stuff! really like the cat from the last post(the guy too), great the design.

carlos preto said...

Hey Trent! Hows it going man? Its been a while since I surfed through blogs but im glad i did! Your stuff is looking really sweet man!

MayYeo said...

Hey man you're definitively improving, even with your first assignment! Can't wait to see how it goes! I can't pick a favorite one, they're all looking good!

Sandy said...

Digital art, and specifically the art of 3D, is still in its infancy compared with traditional forms of art. The landscape is constantly changing, and as a 3D artist, you have to change him. Maybe, someday, your creations will mold the future of art in 3D. Let's get started! Here are some schools that offer relevant 3D Art shopping programs and videos

keith wilson said...

Neat stuff!

Ciaran Lucas said...

Beautiful work, great character designs and animation :)