Been busy, but here are some illustrations from a side contract with a Soccer magazine. I'll be posting a second batch in a few weeks. I hope everybodys keeping busy!
Going to CG CON Montreal this weekend, I'll have photos up soon!
p.s How to train your Dragon is too damn good it makes a 2d/3d descision much harder!
Sweet, nice stuff man!
Brilliant stuff Trent! Love the shapes and colors
They have to be pretty happy with the way they turned out
Thanks for checkin up on me btw. Ive been creatively blocked up. Hopin one day I can get my legs back
Great stuff dude. Love the line work on the cleaned versions!
Wooo-e! These look fantastic! :)
I am honored to be your desktop:) The soccer players are lookin really strong man, nice study. And YEAH HTTYD was the BOMB!
hey man
these are sweeeet, nice job.both the roughs and the finel ones look awesome!
Thanks everyone!
The soccer players are lookin really strong man, nice study.
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