Some funky faces, mostly from people I've drawn at the mall! Lots of fun to characturize!

These are some gestures I've been doing at Starbucks. I tried a new medium, using black pen and then doing a quick and light tonal with a greyscale marker. I also tried doing the gesture with the marker 1st, and then going in with pen. I'd still like for these to be looser, like one line drawings, but it's hard for me not to finish drawings. I had alot of fun trying to work on my weakness, like capturing people in movement, and giving people personality! I'd love to hear feedback!

These are some thumbnails I did, while doing Location Design at Mercury filmworks. Also done with pencil and marker, or pen and marker. Enjoy!
If you haven't checked out "
Sketchy Business" the new monthly sketch blog, be sure to check it out!
Eh cool stuff man, what do you use to colour and clean up?
Thanks! Clean-up was done with Cintque and coloring in photoshop! Roughed with pencil on paper
Nice man, especially the coloured set at the top. You're doing BGs for KB? Nice.
Nicely done! Great film too! Hope you're enjoying working at Mercury.
Awesome characters!
Great work, man!!!
Your short film is fantastic! It's very fun and well animated.
Awesome works ! Im happy to have stumbled acroos your billiant blog!
coool new posts! love how you have so many different styles! I think i read somewhere your in florida? if so hope your having a great time! and keep it up your doing great man! exited to see more!
haha I don't think I have sooo many different styles, I'm searching for a good one. Good to hear from you man.
Thanks for stoppin by my blog and the kind words. Much appreciated!!
Im a game animator currently workin on the toy story 3 game ( makes up for being in utah :)
would love to one day learn how to 2d animate but that may take a while... again brilliant blog and glad to have digitally met you :)
The mall scene, people do come in different shapes and sizes!
Nice works!
Great gestures, I am a big fan of loose drawings!
hey Trent, I'll have to bail on the Toronto zoo. Two of my deadlines got moved to this Friday :O I don't think I'll have the luxury to get out of my cave this week.
Take care buddy.
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