Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ronny Regular

I'm finally finished Ronny Regular; he is based off my grandpa Ronald Knudson R.I.P

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Computers- 2 person interaction final

A 6 week assignment done in 2 days, thanks to collin for his wonderful background skills, it makes this whole project a little straighter.b


During the summer I worked on a show called Toot and Puddle at Mercury Filmworks

spark poses

more character poses from my group film


Some poses I did for My group film

ronny regular concept

these were concepts of my character before he was regular..then I just made him a regular guy....hence the name

film storyboards

these are concept ideas for film shots in the group porject animation I am doing


These are some concept Ideas for backgrounds I am doing for my group film

Drappery study

we had to take and object and put drappery over it. Can you guess

pan background

this is a pan of an Ai Lab and some concept ideas for it


This is a bg of a abandoned industrial house and a desert

Flying Vehicle

This was a second year assignments, designing a flying machine


Life Drawing

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30th, 2008

Here's a bunch of work from the last two years from animation, to sketchbook! Enjoy